What Shouldn’t I Display Online at Athenaeum?

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There are a number of symbols and icons that, while they posses completely benign roots in cultures frequently re-created and investigated by the SCA community, have been used for Hate Speech and Oppression in the historic record since those benign roots.

Bearing this in mind, and the sensitivities of our members, use of these symbols in artisan displays is prohibited at Athenaeum. 

With this event’s online forum, we respectfully request that you refrain from exhibiting any content that would be unsuitable for young children including, but not limited to, suggestive or pornographic images.

Before publication, all exhibits will be viewed and approved by a moderator. If we find something that needs to be changed, we will reach out to you personally to address it. If you have questions, please contact us and ask us to weigh in.

Beyond these restrictions, and diverging from “in person” Athenaeum, we welcome you to exhibit a cohesive body of work. This could mean an exhibit that represents progress on one project. Alternatively, it could be an exhibit showing several projects in one area of interest (e.g. costuming or woodworking). This will make it easier for participants to focus on your exhibit.

More suggestions for how to create a successful online exhibit for this event will be coming soon. For now, we hope to get your creativity flowing and thinking about what you could exhibit!

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