Release Forms and Citations

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Your Athenaeum Showcase exhibit is a page in the Barony of Madrone’s website, which is an official SCA website. The SCA requires that official SCA websites follow modern copyright rules, including using releases and citations.


When you registered as an exhibitor you agreed to this statement:

I must sign and upload a Photo Release Agreement and a Creative Works License Agreement before my display will be published.

Exhibitor Agreement

Releases give the Athenaeum Showcase website permission to DISPLAY your creative work (your Exhibit) and the related photographs, illustrations, and other images on the page. There are three kinds of release forms that you MIGHT need DEPENDING ON THE CONTENTS OF YOUR EXHIBIT:

  • Creative Work Grant of Use Form
  • Photography Release of Use Form
  • Model Release(s)

At a minimum, you will need to submit the Creative Work Grant of Use form to give us permission to display your exhibit. This form assumes that your exhibit only has text without any original photographs, but may include your original art or illustrations, poems, songs, maps, or stories. It may, however, also have free clip art, cited photographs, and cited illustrations. We will talk about citations in the next section.

If your Exhibit includes photographs that you or someone else has taken of your work, then you will also need a Photography Release of Use form filled out by the photographer.

For the steps to fill in the Creative Work Grant of Use form and Photography Release of Use forms, go to the Exhibitor Release page.

When to Submit a Model Release

If you include a photograph in your exhibit of a person (for example, modeling clothes or assisting with a project) and they are identifiable, you probably need to submit a signed SCA Model Release Form. If you are the model, then you need to submit a model release form for yourself.

If the picture is not “portrait-style” (portrait style means the photo shows one or a few people posing for the camera) and the person in the photo is not easily identifiable, or if it was taken in a public space (such as at an event or at court), then a model release is NOT required. /The Athenaeum staff may review your photographs and decide a Model release form is required. If so, we will contact you before publishing your page.

Fill out the form with the same information as the Photography Release of Use form, and submit it on the Exhibitor Release page.


When you registered as an exhibitor you agreed to this statement.

I acknowledge that I am responsible for citing any copyrighted materials I use or refer to in my exhibit and for checking the usage rights for any copyrighted material.

Exhibitor Agreement

You can think of “citations” as acknowledgement that you are referencing or using other people’s work in your Exhibit, such a photo from a museum website, articles from journals, or passages from a book. The goal is to give credit where credit is due and for your audience to be able to go to that source and find out more!

Ideally, for every source you reference, there should be two parts to the citation. First is the inline citation which appears in the text following an excerpt/quote, or under an image in your exhibit. It can be as simple as author, book, and page number, or list the source in the caption under an image. The rest of the detail should be in the Citation section at the end of your Exhibit page.

The second part, the Citation section, shouldn’t be confused with a bibliography, though there is a lot of overlap. Technically, a bibliography is any work that you referenced or used in your research whether or not you actually include it in your exhibit. For our purposes, we are asking you to write citations for anything you include in your exhibit.

There are many different ways to write citations and many people have strong opinions. They differ in the information included, the order of the information, and the formatting.

Find one you like and be consistent. Some common styles are:

  • APA style
  • MLA style
  • Chicago (Turabian) style

To keep it simple, here are some examples you can follow using the MLA Style in a rather loose and informal way.


Creator Last, First Name. “Title of Web Page.” Website Name, Date accessed, URL

Handyman. “Multi Strand Finger Loop Braiding.” Instructables, July 1, 2010,

Website Image

Artist’s name [first name then last], title [italicized], date. Medium. Website name. URL. Date Accessed.

Circle of Rogier van der Weyden, possibly Vranke van der Stockt. Men Shoveling Chairs (Scupstoel). 1444–50, Pen and brown ink over traces of black chalk, Metropolitan Museum of Art . July 1, 2020


Author(s) Last, First Name. Title. Publisher, Year Published

Hu-ssu-hui, Paul D. Buell, E N. Anderson, and Charles Perry. A Soup for the Qan: Chinese Dietary Medicine of the Mongol Era As Seen in Hu Szu-Hui’s Yin-Shan Cheng-Yao : Introduction, Translation, Commentary, and Chinese Text. Kegan Paul International, 2000.


Author(s) Last, First Name. “Article title” Publication, vol., number, page #s

LaBouche, Alexis and Greydragon, Rhys Terafan, “Observations of a Joust”. Tournaments Illuminated. 3rd Quarter 2008. # 167

Online Video

Last, First Name. Video title. Website name, host site, Date Accessed, URL

Donner, Morgan. Easy FingerLoop Braiding. Morgan Donner’s Sewing Party, YouTube, July 7, 2020,

External Resources

SCA Websites: Release Forms FAQ
SCA Model Release Form
How to Cite Anything

Top Image: Example of Martin Luther’s handwriting, a passage from “Dass diese Worte Christi, ‘das ist mein Lieb,’ &c. noch feststehen”, a manuscript published in 1527. From the Royal Library at Copenhagen. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, this image is in the Public Domain.

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