The following releases are required before we can publish your Exhibit online. We need to keep these releases on file for as long as your work is published on our website. At the bottom of this page is a File Upload tool exhibitors can use to send completed releases to the administration team.

Photography Release of Use Form

The Photograph Release of Use Form grants us permission to publish the photos you upload to your exhibit page with the text you write there. The written text is covered in the second release form below. The photograph release form does not specify the amount of time you are allowing us to display your photos. That is covered by the Creative Works Release form below.

Photo Release Fillable PDF

Model Releases

If your exhibit includes a photograph of a person (for example, modeling clothes or assisting with a project) and they are identifiable, you probably also need to submit a signed SCA Model Release Form. If you are the model, then you need to submit a release form for yourself.

  1. Download the form in PDF format from the website here.
  2. Fill it out. You just need to click in each field and it will let you type or check boxes right in the web browser. The following are required and suggested fields:
    1. Your legal name
    2. Your SCA name
    3. Photograph(s) entitled name of your exhibit
    4. Grant of use section. Please check at least the following options:
      1. “publish the photograph along with the article entitled name of your exhibit
      2. “publish the photograph on a SCA web site for The Event Athenaeum“.
      3. If you wish to set a time limit for how long your exhibit is displayed on our website, we request that you add “until requested to remove it” OR “until July 31, 2020” (or other date) to that same line.
    5. Perpetual Grants of use section. Please do not check this box.
  3. Print out the form
  4. Sign it
  5. Take a photo of the signed form and upload it below.

Creative Work Grant of Use Form

Your exhibit is a representation of your creative work so we need a signed Grant of Use Form to allow us to display your article and the photos that go along with it on this website.

Our goal is to create an archive of exhibits to inspire other artisans and we hope you will grant us permission to continue to display yours on the Athenaeum website (see below). As long as you allow us to display your exhibit, your user account will remain active so you can edit your content. If you ask us to remove your exhibit, we will delete your page as well as your user account in line with website security best practices.

  1. Download the form in PDF format from the website here.
  2. Fill it out. You just need to click in each field and it will let you type or check boxes right in the web browser. The following are required and suggested fields:
    1. Your legal name
    2. Your SCA name
    3. “do hereby agree to the following with respect to my:” Please check “article”
    4. “hereinafter the Work(s) entitled name of your exhibit
    5. Option 1. Please do not check this box.
    6. Other Options – Grant of use. Please check at least the following options:
      1. “publish the Work electronically”
      2. “publish the Work on a SCA web site for the Athenaeum Showcase”.
      3. If you wish to set a time limit for how long your exhibit is displayed on our website, we request that you add “until requested to remove it” OR “until <specific date>” to that same line.
  3. Print out the form*
  4. Sign it
  5. Take a photo of the signed form and upload it below.

File Uploads

You can upload one or two files at a time. Valid file formats are .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .pdf. Please use the Exhibitor feedback form if you have trouble using this form.

Exhibitor Upload Form
Release Form Uploads *

Maximum file size: 2.1MB

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