Tutorial: Writing for the Web v.2: Research Paper Transformation

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Taught by The Honorable Lady Alicia du Bois

Dates & Times:

Tuesday, May 18, 2021 7PM (PST)

Tutorial Description

There are several differences between writing content for a web page and writing content for something like a research paper or piece of documentation to accompany an Arts & Sciences project.

This tutorial focuses on transforming the structure, voice, and content of a research paper to an online audience. We will cover things like audience selection, user reading behavior, and how to capture your audience’s attention throughout your post.

Alicia du Bois may appear as though she is from the late 14th century, but she has another identity as a modern Web Technology professional. With over 20 years in the field, she has seen a lot of good, bad, and ugly writing on the web and is always trying to improve her own writing.

The link to the recording will be available here after the class is complete.

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