Athenaeum is a non-competitive Arts & Sciences in-person event hosted once per year by the Barony of Madrone, The event has become the largest arts and sciences display event in the Kingdom of An Tir and is highly anticipated every year.
In 2020 and 2021, when we could not hold in-person events, a version of this website served as an auxiliary offering, a way of facilitating creative energy and interaction when we were still required to practice social distancing for public health and safety. Exhibits seen here that have dates in 2020 and 2021 were created and published during those two “virtual events.”
Check out the amazing array of Exhibits via the tab above, where you can leave comments & questions for the exhibitors.
Now we are giving this website a new purpose as a place to publish work: the Athenaeum Showcase. We look forward to sharing the joy of Arts & Sciences in the Kingdom of An Tir!